perjantai 25. joulukuuta 2015

Ellis Island

Ellis Island                            

We went to Ellis Island on Saturday 10.10.2015. When our ferry arrived at the island I was very excited as I had waited for this attraction particularly. In the museum we took the audio guides which explained different things about the museum as we were exploring the different sections in there.
We had two things to find from the museum. Our first task was to find The Registry Room or also called the Great Hall through which all of the immigrants were processed. It was not very hard to find it as it was right in the middle of the museum and covers a quite big part of the museum building. Second task was to find something Finnish. I found a picture of a Lapp immigrant woman. It was very interesting to see a picture of a Finnish immigrant as I hadn´t seen many of them before.
All in all I could have spent more time in the museum especially in the section were there was told for instance about the doctoral examination and psychological tests that all the immigrants went through before getting a permission to stay in the United States. There was also an interesting thing which was on the other hand was a bit chilling. There were older telephones where you could hear approximately a hundred year old recordings of the immigrants all around the world talking and telling stories. It is unbelievable how well they have been preserved.
Ellis Island was definitely one the most interesting attractions we visited since it carries so much value in the heritage of a big part of New Yorkers. It is also the reason why New York is so multicultural.

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